Opening up a wall Creates a more spacious & enjoyable environment

My clients really felt that enlarging the 2 1/2' swinging door opening between the kitchen and the front room

would would bring that room more into the home and feel so much better and user friendly.  They asked me 

if I would get it done and, of course, I said yes.  in an afternoon we ....moved a wall light switch, supported

the ceiling, tore out 3 studs, installed a 3.5''x12''x7' header, drywalled and trimmed out the door frame and 

cleaned up a bit.....and Voila!  Of course the flooring was going to be changed anyway but, the wall needed

to be moved prior to the flooring replacement.  They are very happy with the change and after getting a few

other improvements done, they can settle in and turn this house into their home.  

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